Will of James McMahan, 1787, Rowan Co. NC Will of James McMahan 1787 Will Book "D" p. 220 Rowan County, NC JAMES MCMACHAN. 14 Sept. 1787. In the name of God Amen! I James McMachan of Rowan County in N. Carolina, be in a tolerable good state of health thanks be to God calling to mind the mortalite of the Body, knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, do make and ordain this my last will and test: Principally & first I recomend my soul into the hands of God: & my body to the earth to be decently buried nothing doubting as at the general resurrection I shall receive the same again. And as such worldly estate wherewith it has pleased God to bless me in this life I give devise & dispose of the same in the following manner, first I give & bequeath to Susanna my beloved wife all my household goods & all my black cattle & sheep also I give to my sons Samuel & Willm Mcmachan all my land to be equally divided betwixt them beginning at the middle of the west line & run straight to the east & Samuel shall have the south side & William the north & I also appoint the Samuel McMachan & William McMachan to executors of this my last will & test: & further my will is that sd executors shall pay as soon as convenient they can twenty five pounds apiece to the rest of my beloved children to John & Thomas, Elizabeth, & James & Mary of which same I appoint William to pay one hundred pounds & Samuel twenty five pounds & to my son William all my ______ of _____ with I give my bay horse & young mare & waggon - and I will that my beloved wife have comfortable living on the place as long as she lives - I confirm this to be my last will in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal this 14 day of September 1787 Signed, sealed, declared in presence of us, Lazarus Whitehead jun David Johnson X James McMachan seal ================= Rowan County: Record of Wills: 1762-1805: Vol. D, No 124: North Carolina State Archives, Raleigh, N.C.: C.085.80001 ================= James McMachan is also listed in the 1768 Rowan County Tax List Of John Ford [CRX 244, Rowan County Tax Lists North Carolina State Archives] This list is legible and undamaged